What is the ideal temperature for the Heritage pizza stone?
- Temperature ranging between 450°F to 500°F would be your ideal cooking temp for the pizza.
What is the maximum temperature the pizza stone can withstand?
- The stone can withstand temperatures above 600°F. Most ovens can only go up to 550°F which is considered extremely hot.
Can I place the pizza and stone in the oven at the same time?
- We suggest pre-heating the stone before placing the pizza
Which section of the oven do I cook on?
- Always use the bottom rack when cooking your pizza. Hot air will rise and will make the top of the oven hotter so you get a crispy top but soggy bottom on the pizza. Cooking at the bottom of the oven maintains an overall temperature that cooks evenly.
How to avoid the pizza sticking to the stone?
- Cornmeal or flour works better when using the stone to avoid pizza being stuck.
Can I use this on a regular/gas grill?
- Yes. Just like with an oven, put the stone in the grill when you start it to allow the stone to heat up with the grill. If you do not have a thermometer on your grill, wait 15 minutes before using the stone. The hotter the stone the better your pizza!
Can I cut the pizza on top of the pizza stone?
- It is not recommended to cut the pizza on the stone. Pizza should be removed and placed on a cutting surface to avoid damaging the stone as well as avoid losing control of the pizza as it’s sliced.
Can I bake rolls on the stone?
- Sure. We suggest putting cornmeal on the bottom of the dough for rolls or other small items to help keep it from sticking to the stone. If you can bake it on a sheet, you can try baking it on the stone. Keep a close eye on them though, things cook a little faster on stone over a baking sheet.